[FJC] Apollyon094's Area - Rules

Scroll Down For Rules and Contact info

Violations May Result in being Kicked or Banned
Rule 1     Please Have Fun!
Rule 2     No cheating, hacks, or scripts
Rule 3     We DO allow spawnkilling, sniping, gravnading, etc. However the spawn protection does give you the chance to kill campers.
Rule 4     We allow swearing at a minimum, although, racist or sexist slurs, etc. is grounds for a ban.
Rule 5     No porn sprays
Rule 6     No playing outside the maps boundaries or using map flaws to get under maps.
Rule 7     The maps have secret areas in them, it's not cheating. Go ahead and look for them yourself, or as one of the admins.
Rule 8     No whining or complaining! If you have a valid complaint,
              Send me some mail! otherwise, if you don't like the server, just do us a favor and leave.
Rule 9   No Spawn Mining that includes Teleport and double mining. If someone blows up or can't
              move when materializing, not allowed. Report who killed you with a mine, it says in the top right corner.
Rule 10   Absolutely NO Recruiting or advertising. You will be banned instantly. Includes Spray & playername.
Rule 11   Do not accuse players of cheating, instead, if you suspect that someone is cheating, notifiy an
admin privately or email [FJC] Apollyon094 (apollyon094@protonmail.com).

Donate to community servers: Pirates' Cove
Donate to community servers: Scorp's Killbox
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Donate to community servers: Speed's HighVoltage [Shell_Shock]
Donate to community servers: My Server